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Linotype Hell/ Heidelberg Chromagraph S3900 Drumscanner

ID 1327
Categories Drum Scanners | 

Short description Linotype Hell/ Heidelberg Chromagraph S3900 Drumscanner
Price (in €) on request

Model ---
Year of manufacture 2005
Warranty until keine

Long description Linotype Hell/ Heidelberg Chromagraph S3900

Not New

Inclusive 3 drums (small, middle, large)
Inclusive Software 13.4

Linotype Hell ChromaGraph S3900

Technical Data:

scan system High end drum scanner, 3 Photomultiplier
color computer Software 13.41
max. format 510 x 650 mm (20" x 25,6")
media transparency, colour, monochrome,
linework, positive, negative
enlargement 10% 3000%
resolution (picture) up to 24000dpi
max. density range 4.5D
focus digital, modifable from the operator
drum 80mm, 150mm, 212mm diameter
Interface network link to workstation
material width up to 2,1mm
messurements (L x H x W) 1650 x 1350 x 870 mm (65 x 53,2 x 34,3")
net weight approx. 700 kg
options ChromaMount

If requested the machine can be prepared for the worldwide transport by the export company deufol

Heidelberg S3900 (Linotype Hell) Drum Scanner provides the highest quality scans up to 24,000 dpi

The extremely high scanner resolution allows loose color separations up to 29x43", at line screens to 600 lpi.
* Large scanning format of 20" x 25.6"
* Enlargements beyond 3000%
* High productivity output of TIFF scans in to Mac or PC format
* Fully automatic, high speed scanning in batch mode
* Flexible integration into any system environment
* Intelligent color correction and automatic image analysis
* Expanded range of color and sharpness functions
* Color corrections using color hue selection
* Scanning in colorimetric data formats for device independent color or multimedia

More Details:
The Meachine Comes if you want with Chroma Mount P321 Station and 7 Scanning Drums : 2 Large 2 Mediam and 3 Small Running 13.4 Software on PC Can be seen working and is ready to ship anywere in the World

Weight ---
Dimensions (LxWxH) ---

Location Germany
Region NRW

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