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Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG
KBA Koenig & Bauer Group
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Kodak/Scitex EverSmart Jazz Plus with USB Dongle

ID 1112
Categories Layout Scanner | 

Short description Kodak/Scitex EverSmart Jazz Plus with USB Dongle
Price (in €) on request

Model ---
Year of manufacture 0000
Warranty until ---

Long description Mostly the companies limit themselves with the picture capture to scanning of supervision presentations, because the inexpensive level bed scanners are not good for examination material. EverSmart jazz cuts according to promises of the manufacturer Scitex also with slides and negatives a fine figure.

The EverSmart jazz is a modern level bed scanner with XY technology which processes supervision and examination presentations up to a size of German Institute for Standardization A3. A new electronics provides for high productiveness, and the scan software offers a huge number of automatic and manual set tools which many controlling possibilities give to the user concerning quality and colour to the hand. With this model Scitex, ambitious graphics agencies and smaller pressure companies tries to respond who need more often high scan qualities and have bought this up to now time consuming from external service providers.

Scanner for translucent or clear originals to 305 x 432 mm
Optical resolution in 2000 x in 6000 dpi
14 bits per colour
Workstations: Macintosh or PC

Included in delivery

1. Level bed scanner Scitex EverSmart jazz (see picture below)

2. Box EverSmart jazz training package (Mac)
Contain (see picture below):
A disk Scitex EverSmart of parametre
EverSmart jazz installation & maintenance manuals into German, English and French
EverSmart image Editing Example in English
EverSmart jazz user guide Mac Platform in English

3. 6 scanners CDs Scitex EverSmart + manual (see picture below)
EverSmart of scanner S/W & Doc. for Mac version 2/5/1
EverSmart of scanner training programme Version 1.1
EverSmart of scanner formation version 1.1
EverSmart of scanner training version 1.1
Scitex Final air software & Documentation version 1/0/1
EverSmart of scanner solution version 3.1 (no original CD) including manual into German printed out

4. A cable SCSI (see picture below)

Description of the scanner

36 amount to the external mass of the scanner × 87 × 62 cm. Light curvatures of the lid with two sunk blue acrylic discs support the form closed in itself of the device. The loose "JAZZ" stroke which is resplendent in loud blue and orange on the front case is really striking. The connection of the scanner requires only few handles: Setting of the right ID number, pocketing of stream and SCSI cable, solving of the transport protections – and already the device is operational. For the free from problems and uncomplicated installation Scitex polyglot manuals and also a trilingual training CD of the delivery has added.

To be able to use the EverSmart jazz, one needs a Power Mac by PCI bus and at least system 8.1. For the scan software at least 64 mb of working memory should be available. For the judgement and vote of the Scans a monitor with at least 17 inches of diagonal and 24 bit colour is required. Where one builds up the scanner and starts, one should consider to begin with carefully, because the company noises of the fan unity look rather annoying even in the rest mode in the long run to be quiet completely from the actual scan company. A spatial separation of the real jobs is recommendable and possibly, because the device can work after commitment of the scan parametres automatically, even if several presentations are to be grasped all at once.

Clear presentations can be grasped up to a strength by 5 mm. The optics also appear with framed slides to the presentation distance to the glass surface.

XY technology on picture point hunt

With the XY technology of Scitex the presentations not line by line with the CCD diodes are felt, but are headed directly like in the co ordinate system. Every picture point, also in the edge areas, is felt by thousands of tiny diodes as optical signals and is converted into electric signals. Then these are sent to the processing unity. The colour depth achieved with this technology lies with 42 bits, that meant a colour depth of 14 bits colour.

The EverSmart jazz makes available with his optical system a maximum physical resolution of 2,000 × 6,000 dpi, namely – thanks to the XY technology – on the whole abbot branch surface, not only in the middle. Differently than many other XY scanners, offers of the EverSmart, besides, also the possibility of a stripe wise Abtastens (Stitch Scanning), so that the maximum resolution is available even with A3 format presentations. The density extent of the scanner lies with 3.7 D, the colour depth amounts to 14 bits canal.

Professional claim

In the matter of scan software Scitex can look back as a special supplier of the graphic industry at many years experiences, and thus the professional claim with which the software of the EverSmart appears already strikes after the first minutes of the software. After the Prescan the grasped data can be called in a small gallery window, examined individually and provide with the respective scan parametres. Correcting of colour defects, removing from too much or not enough colour in the picture is a job of the software. A "Smart Set" function helps to put automatically properly the scan parametres for a picture with the help of given motive types (people, Outdoor, metal or still life), so that practically is reached by button pressure already absolutely druckreife and balanced scan quality. When required own motive types can be also defined and stored for later purposes.

Field Tummel for professionals

The varied possibilities for the manual correction which are ready in the scan software already need a bigger experience in dealing with digital picture. It is helpful that the effects of all settings can be made immediately by the monitor visible – also for the single colour extracts separate. However, a little more liquid work would be sometimes desirable in the correction dialogues. Basically one reaches by the treatment of the Prescans, nevertheless, a perfection which decreases the compulsion to carry out postcorrections in the picture treatment software strongly.

To increase the productiveness, several presentations – can be scanned with the EverSmart, for example, up to 69 small picture slides – in a passageway. Besides, the Prescans are made first, which one then successively controlled and corrected. If the scan parametres are fixed for all presentations, one begins the fine scan process which runs off automatically. Scitex gives that with a presentation size of 6 × 7 cm per hour let themselves produce about twenty CMYK pictures with a Skalierung by 250 percent and an issue resolution by 300 dpi. The desired sound value corrections or colour transformations are explained immediately with the scan process.

Free choice with the format

The Feinscans can be stored away in a huge number by data formats. Beside the manufacturer customary formats Scitex CT., LW and PSImage stand also of EP, DCS, ICS, TIFF, PICT and the photo shop file format for the choice. For archiving, on line uses and second presentation production the Farbscans can be produced not only in CMYK , but also in the RGB mode. Moreover, grey steps and Bitmapscans are possible. The ICC support permits the integration of the EverSmart to jazz in all current colour management surroundings.


Who has avoided up to now the high investments, is maybe persuaded with the entrance models of the EverSmart series to carry out also higher valued repros work in own house to improve thereby own know how and the response times – and to save costs not least maybe also. The quality much higher compared with a usual level bed scanner and the advantage that later more extensive corrections are cancelled in the picture treatment software speak for itself.

Weight ---
Dimensions (LxWxH) ---

Location Germany
Region NRW

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